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Occupational Safety and Health

The Yorozu Group conducts its corporate activities with the awareness that safety takes precedence in everything.

Yorozu Group Occupational Health and Safety Philosophy

“The Yorozu Group considers the protection of the safety and health of all persons involved with the company to be a top priority in its corporate activities and strives to create safe and comfortable workplaces.”

Health and Safety Policy

  • 1.We will accurately grasp the nature and size of risks in corporate activities, prevent injury and illness, and continuously improve our occupational health and safety management system and performance.
  • 2.We will comply with statutory requirements and other requirements related to occupational health and safety that the Yorozu Group has approved.
  • 3.We will keep all employees informed of this policy, in order to make them aware of their connection to occupational health and safety, and will disclose it to stakeholders as needed.
  • 4.In order to fulfill this policy, we will establish targets, formulate and implement a plan, and make regular reviews.
  • 5.We will review this plan regularly to ensure its validity and appropriateness for the company.


Creating Safe and Comfortable Workplaces

Education and Training for Safety and Health

Plant patrol by Health and Safety Committee members

The education and training needed to implement safety and health initiatives go beyond the acquisition of knowledge to include tactics that increase sensitivity to risks as well as safety awareness.
Education and training provided within the Group with the aim of developing human resources who are competent in safety and health practice includes risk anticipation, simulated dangers, risk assessment, KYT (kiken yochi training = risk anticipation training) trainers, AED courses, and mental health training.

  • Crane operation inspection

  • Safety training with simulations (getting pulled into machinery)

  • Safety training with simulations (getting caught)

  • Safety training with simulations (safety belt)

Record of Occupational Accidents

Frequency rate of lost work time accidents

Frequency rate of lost work time accidents = lost work time casualties caused by occupational accidents / total actual working hours × 1,000,000

Severity rate of occupational accidents

Severity rate = lost work days /
total actual working hours × 1,000