CSR Policy
Basic Philosophy
Our basic philosophy at Yorozu is to engage in fair and transparent corporate activities based on high ethical standards and respect for the law. Grounded in this philosophy, we recognized the need to increase our corporate value by fulfilling our social responsibility as a good corporate citizen and earning the trust of our stakeholders, in addition to abiding by relevant laws and ordinances.
Accordingly, in December 2005 we established the Yorozu Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Code of Conduct, which we use as guidelines for our day-to-day operations.
Yorozu (Group) Charter of Corporate Behavior
- 1.Attaining Customer Satisfaction and Developing New Technologies.
- The company earns customer satisfaction and confidence by developing new technologies and offering beneficial and reliable products and services and by paying careful attention to safety.
- 2.Observance of Law and Regulation
- The company respects the company rules, the laws and regulations of the countries where it does business, and will pursue the highest standard of ethical behavior in its business.
- 3.The Environment
- The company places a high priority to the preservation of the natural environment, and by acting positively contributes to the betterment of quality of life in the world.
- 4. Globalization
- The company respects the cultures and custom of all countries in which it operates, and seeks to enhance regional prosperity thorough Yorozu Group business activities.
- 5.Disclosure
- The company values communication with its shareholders, other stakeholders and the public at large, and fulfills its duty to make full, fair and timely disclosure of corporate information.
- 6.Respect Human Right
- The company respects human rights, abstains from discrimination on any basis, and from engaging in any form of harassment. And also respects each employee's individuality and creates work environments where all its employees can fully demonstrate their abilities and carry out their job with enthusiasm.
- 7.Fair Trade
- The company recognizes that free and fair competition is a fundamental principle of the market economy and will engage in transactions by adhering to this principle.
- 8.Commitment by Executives
- The executives of the company will take the lead in implementing and enforcing this Charter of Corporate Behavior, and should the event of a breach of this charter arise, will vigorously address violations by themselves for investigations of causes and prevention of recurrence. Also will make the timely and take accurate disclosure of information to the public and take disciplinary actions for person involved (including themselves), defining the responsibility and authority of the person (s) in question.

Yorozu Code of Conduct
Directors and employees (collectively "we" ) must comply with all internal corporate rules and policies, all applicable laws, rules and regulations and conduct the business faithfully without causing conflicts of interest with the company. In addition, we must act responsibly by complying with social standard in conduct of our business and work for contribution to society.
- 1.Respect for Human Rights and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment etc.
- We will respect human rights and will not engage in any act of discrimination or sexual harassment.
- 2.Preservation and Protection of Environment
- We will observe environmental laws and regulations of the national and local authorities, as good corporate citizens, and ensure that our business is conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner.
- 3.Establishing Equitable Relationship
- We will maintain good relationship with all business partners in a fair and equitable manner, abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations and conduct transactions on the appropriate condition.
- 4.Prohibition of Insider Trading
- We will maintain in secrecy non public information of the company, its
affiliates or customers that may influence the judgment of investors in
the company or in such customers.
We will not sell or purchase any stock of the company or stock of such customers unless and until such information becomes public. - 5.Proper Information Management
- We will carefully manage confidential information of the company and information disclosed by third parties. In addition, we will not use the company's information system for any purpose other than that of company business.
- 6.Proper Company Assets Management
- We will properly manage company's assets and its intellectual properties, and will not infringe assets or the intellectual property rights of others.
- 7.Personal Information Management
- We will hold any secret personal information as strictly confidential. We will neither divulge such information to any third party, nor use the same for any purpose other than that of the business of the company without the prior consent of the person(s) concerned.
- 8.Policy on Gifts and Entertainment.
- We will maintain and administer legal and generally acceptable standards with respect to gifts and entertainment.
- 9.Resolute Attitude Toward Anti-Social Activities.
- We will take a resolute attitude toward anti-social activities or organizations, and will not engage in any activity for their benefit.
- 10.Safety
- (Safety at workplace)
We fully recognize that safety is a matter of the highest priority and aims Zero-accident.
(Traffic Safety)
We will abide by traffic rules and drive safely with an awareness of being a member of automotive parts manufactures at all times.